Program design across settings for the new, growing, or established palliative care program.

Dr. Diane Meier on the History and Future of Palliative Care Research

Why Diane Meier, MD, is excited about the future of palliative care research and was inspired by the 2024 AAHPM State of the Science keynote.

How to Provide Excellent Dementia Care for Patients with Dementia—and Their Families

A dementia care program director shares lessons learned over twenty years of caring for people with dementia, and their families.

When Recovery Takes Longer: How to Incorporate Palliative Care in LTACHs

Why palliative care can be helpful for people in Long Term Acute Care Hospitals (LTACHs)—and a roadmap for incorporating it into daily practice.

How to Manage Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Serious Illness

A leading psychiatrist shares how to identify and address anxiety and depression in people living with serious illness, and when to refer to a specialist.

Palliative Care in the Safety Net: Advice on Ensuring Access, Quality, and Stability

Creative and practical strategies for operating palliative care programs in the health care safety net.

How to Support State Palliative Care Payment Policy Discussions

Palliative care policy experts provide an overview of recent updates at the state level and share tips to increase effectiveness when working with state policymakers.

Enhancing Care for Diverse Communities: The Role of Community Health Workers

Exploring the expansive role of the Community Health Worker (CHW), a long-standing member of the health care team, who helps to bring more culturally-responsive care.

“He’s Losing Weight…What Are You Doing to Help Him?”: How to Better Assess Your Patients’ Nutrition

How to screen people living with serious illness for nutritional risk—and when to consult with a registered dietitian.

How to Address Body Image Concerns in Patients with Breast Cancer

An oncologist, who is also a palliative care physician, shares how to help patients with their changing bodies when living with breast cancer.

Why Systems-Level Changes Are Needed to Address Health Worker Well-Being

How team leaders can address structural issues affecting health worker well-being—while waiting for systemic change.

The Potential of Women’s Councils in Medicine

Two clinical leaders share the ins and outs of starting a women’s council for connection and support among colleagues—no matter the discipline.

How to Use Planning to Drive Positive Organizational Change

Three tips to help jumpstart your planning efforts regardless of situation, role, program, organization, or team structure.


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