Top news from the palliative care field and beyond.

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Calculating the Economic Value of Unpaid Family Caregivers

Study quantifies the economic value of unpaid family caregivers based on time.

Announcing the Return of the CAPC National Seminar

Join CAPC in Philadelphia, September 15-17, 2025, for the CAPC National Seminar.

Palliative Care's Importance Validated by the American Heart Association

CAPC's Andrew Esch, MD, MBA, speaks to Palliative Care News about the significance behind the recent statement, and shares what it means for the future of cardiology.

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CAPC Survey Finds that Clinical Capacity is a Top Concern

Palliative Care News article summarizes findings from CAPC's Palliative Pulse annual survey, recaps webinar.

Progress on Accountable Care in Medicare

The leadership team at CMS reviews features in the Medicare program to better support person-centered care.

A New Coalition Launches to Revolutionize Cancer Care Across the United States

The "Together for Supportive Cancer Care" coalition brings together over 40 organizations to expand early access to supportive cancer care, and more.

Telehealth in Palliative Care: The Effectiveness and Challenges in Rural and Underserved Communities

A systematic review of the effectiveness and challenges of telehealth in palliative care in rural and underserved areas.

A Comparison of Telehealth and In-Person Early Palliative Care for People with Advanced Lung Cancer

Study shows that the delivery of early palliative care was equivalent for in person and virtual visits.

Defining the Quality of Interdisciplinary Care for People with Brain Metastases

Study obtained expert consensus on the value of interdisciplinary team care for people living with brain metastases.

Analysis of Research on Palliative Care for Cervical Cancer

A comprehensive overview of global research on palliative care for cervical cancer.

The Importance of Telehealth and ePROS in Advancing Oncology and Palliative Care

Article reviews three studies showing the importance of telehealth in advancing equity, access and quality in oncology and palliative care, and more.

Study Evaluates Rural Oncology Clinicians' Perspectives on Palliative Care

Clinicians shared their perspectives of palliative care in community oncology practices, showing barriers in needs assessment, documentation and referrals

Editorial Addresses How to Improve Access to Palliative Care for People With Cancer

A JAMA editorial piece highlights two studies that propose ways to improve palliative care access and discusses the challenges faced.

Study Finds Women Less Likely to be Prescribed Pain Medications

Biases in pain management decisions lead to women being less likely to be prescribed pain medication.

Calculating the Economic Value of Unpaid Family Caregivers

Study quantifies the economic value of unpaid family caregivers based on time.


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