Palliative care doctor using a laptop to update a patient's medical record_840x500
Health Equity

Words Have Power: Strategies to Reduce Stigmatizing Language in Palliative Care Documentation

Five strategies that clinicians can adopt today to ensure clinical documentation is free of stigmatizing language—to promote patient-centered care and reduce health disparities.

News Bites

Telemedicine for Older Adults Gets a Last-Minute Reprieve

New York Times article discusses the important role of telemedicine for older adults, and how Congress must act quickly to keep this option for the future.

News Bites

How a Healthy Diet Can Ease Chronic Pain, Regardless of Adiposity

An Australian study finds a correlation between a healthy diet of core foods and reduced pain in women, regardless of adiposity.


Los Angeles Wildfires, Climate Change, and Palliative Care: A Call to Action

California wildfires highlight the urgent role of palliative care in protecting vulnerable patients and building climate-resilient health care.

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