A sustainable palliative care program depends upon making realistic assumptions about staff capacity and patient volumes. Use this toolkit to translate program operational and service decisions into a budget and business plan, and also to consider the financial implications of program design and operations decisions.

What’s in the Toolkit

Budget templates and guidance for hospital-based palliative care programs.

Budget Model Worksheet

Annotated budget worksheet that can be customized based on your program's patient, service, and staffing assumptions.

Building the Business Plan for Your Hospital Program

Building a budget and a business plan for the inpatient program. Includes business planning tools.

Hospital Palliative Care Business Plan Outline

Training and a template for creating a business plan for your inpatient service.

Building and Sustaining Your Hospital Palliative Care Program

Join this Virtual Office to discuss hospital palliative care program start-up, or scaling a new or established inpatient program.

Budget templates and guidance for community-based palliative care programs.

Staffing Models Inventory for Value-Based Home-Based Palliative Care Programs

Staffing models and benchmarks used by home-based programs.

Population Stratification Considerations

Guidance on dosing interventions allocating visit frequency based on patient risk.

Financial Analysis and Budgeting Tool for Community-Based Palliative Care

Customizable workbook for community-based programs to create cost projections and key financial stats.

Understanding Costs and Prices: Companion Guide for Financial Analysis and Budgeting Tool

Qualitative explanation of budgeting and finding opportunities for cost-efficiency.

Building the Business Plan for Community-Based Palliative Care

Building a budget and a business plan for the community-based program. Includes business planning tools.

Business Planning for Palliative Care Programs

This Virtual Office Hour covers business planning for new or growing palliative care programs across settings.

Improving productivity and efficiency to ensure team health and operating within budget.
Includes 19 resources:
  • Designing for Efficiency
  • Optimizing Productivity
Payment, billing, and fundraising tools for inpatient and community-based palliative care programs.
Includes 21 resources:
  • Introduction to Payment
  • Fee-for-Service Billing
  • Value-Based Payment
  • Foundation Fundraising Guidance
Resources for palliative care programs working with payers and other financial collaborators, including contracting resources.
Includes 14 resources:
  • Relationship Basics
  • Selling Your Program
  • Contracting Resources

See all 49 Toolkits

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