• Tuesday, August 13 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. ET
  • Friday, September 20 noon - 1 p.m. ET

Join us for this small-group consulting where you can ask questions from our expert consultant and your peers. Questions and challenges may include distinguishing the social worker role from other disciplines on the palliative care team, and more.

Questions from previous sessions include:

  • How do you collaborate with hospital social workers without duplicating services?
  • What advice do you have for someone who is the only social worker on the team?
  • What are the top priorities for developing a palliative care social work program in community settings?

Presented By

Virtual Office Hours

Inpatient Billing and Coding

Presented By
Phil Santa Emma.png
Christopher Jones
Virtual Office Hours

Breaking Point: Debriefing to Address the Challenges of Our Work

Free and open to all

Presented By
Jill Farabelli.JPG
Allison Kestenbaum
Kris Halsey
Virtual Office Hours

For Leadership: Optimizing CAPC Membership

Presented By
Rosie Aponte 2023
Sherry Cirilo

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