Learn about new tools and resources on capc.org.

Here at CAPC, we're constantly creating new products — and updating existing ones — to make sure that you have the best tools and technical assistance to do your job. We're excited to share the below update with you:

New Resources

Resources for Health Plans
Health plans use this toolkit to develop new programs and benefits for members with serious illness, while simultaneously driving improvements throughout their provider network. The following new tools have been added:

Integrating Palliative Care into Population Management
This toolkit includes a collection of practical tools to identify, risk-stratify, and meet those complex needs. The following new tools have been added:

Defining and Measuring Quality
This toolkit helps payers, policymakers, and providers understand best practices for delivering quality of care during a serious illness, and to identify certifications that demonstrate adherence to third-party quality standards. The following new tool has been added:


Designing a Long-Term Care Palliative Care Program Toolkit
This toolkit provides technical assistance to design and operate your long-term care palliative care program. It has been revamped and includes the following new tools:

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