Cyndi Seiwert, Chief Operating Officer at Turn-Key Health in Philadelphia, has penned an argument supporting home-based palliative care and its benefits for seriously ill patients. Her piece dives into the history of this model through today where she says care at home can keep patients out of the emergency room which benefits both them and the hospital.

“Patients are treated with respect, dignity, and compassion, and strong and trusting relationships with providers and staff are better able to thrive with the medical home approach. Overall, the model aims to achieve primary care excellence so that care is received in the right place, at the right time, and in the manner that best suits a patient’s needs,” says Seiwert.

In the article, Cyndi also tells the story of an 89-year old man with chronic heart failure and discusses what his care looks like with and without home-based palliative care as a way to illustrate the key benefits. Click here to read the full piece.

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