John Morris, MD, FAAHPM
John Morris, MD, a pulmonology and critical care specialist with a master’s degree in leadership from the Thayer Institute, started working for Four Seasons Palliative Care part time in 2003, then left private practice in 2005 to work full time there as medical director of palliative care. In 2011 the Carolina Center for Hospice and Palliative Care presented him with the Sharon O. Dixon Award for Clinical Excellence.
Dr. Morris has worked with several organizations to develop and improve palliative care services, including Pardee Hospital, Mission Health System, Greenville Health System, Catawba Regional Hospice, UNC Health System, Park Ridge Hospital, Transylvania Regional Hospital, Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care, Yancey County Hospice and Palliative Care, Palliative Care of SC, and Mountain Valley Hospice and Palliative Care. He is codirector of the Palliative Care Immersion Course, an experiential learning experience for clinicians to teach clinical palliative care skills to a national audience. He also teaches palliative care program development in Four Seasons Center of Excellence Workshops.
In 2016 Dr. Morris cofounded Four Seasons Consulting Group (FSCG), a company enabling health systems, palliative care programs, post-acute providers, and hospice programs to learn best practices and the systems necessary to produce them in their own organizations. Currently Dr. Morris serves as Teleios Collaborative Network’s (a network of nonprofit hospice and palliative care organizations) chief medical officer for palliative care services.