Return on Investment

PCLC training and mentoring is an exciting and important undertaking—and it is one with critical returns on investment.

Quality palliative care programs significantly impact patient and clinician satisfaction measures, 30-day readmissions, and the total cost of care for patients in the last year of life. PCLC helps ensure these benefits.


Optimize your program design to ensure quality and sustainability.


Catalyze your palliative care program growth and innovation.


Reduce your opportunity costs for palliative care program delivery while also improving institutional cost-savings.


Shorten the time you need to go from concept to implementation.


Increase your ability to secure financial resources.


Standardize your operational best practices, including business and financial planning, clinical and staffing models, measurement, and marketing.

In addition, Inpatient palliative care can save hospitals 9-25% of costs for each inpatient stay through a mixture of shorter length of stay and reduced cost per day. Community-based palliative care programs can save ACOs and health systems $2,000 - $4,000 per patient per month in expenditures for the final 1-3 months of life. 

More than 1,300 teams have already attended a PCLC and have established high-impact programs.